ya fantasy

18 07, 2024

Here Be Dragons: Fantasy Audiobooks to Ignite Your Summer Reading

July 18th, 2024|General|

We've all seen this fantasy film scene: the adventurers huddle together, preparing to plot their next quest. They unfurl an age-stained map that covers the surface of a worn, wooden table for the whole party to study. Then, a wise guide extends a finger to show where their destination lies, and there, emblazoned in blood [...]

18 06, 2024

High and Low Fantasy Audiobooks to Transport You This Summer

June 18th, 2024|General|

What do you think about when you hear the word fantasy? Do you imagine fire-breathing dragons streaking through the sky? Or perhaps you see a young rebel fighting against dark forces? Maybe neither of these images popped into your mind. Instead, you think fantasy can be found all around us—especially where you least expect it. [...]

17 05, 2024

10 Must-Listen Sci-fi and Fantasy Audiobooks by Asian Authors

May 17th, 2024|General|

Books have always been a gateway to transport readers from the real world and their daily life -- that's doubly so for speculative fiction books where the reader is transported to all things impossible and fantastical. However, it's hard for many readers to truly be transported into a story when the stories consistently being published [...]

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