by Morgan Tyree and Cas Aarssen (Foreword)
by Eric Maisel
by Meredyth Fletcher
by Michael Hingson and Keri Wyatt Kent
by Karen Stubbs
by Chris Graebe and Jenni Graebe
by Courtney Doctor
by Becca Rothfeld
by Dario Bressanini
by Angela Correll
by Melissa K. Norris
by Maressa Brown
by Kelly C. Miller
by Ruth Chou Simons
by John Trent, Ph.D. and Kari Trent Stageberg
by Eva Wong
by Kathi Lipp
by Daniel Gil
by Eve O. Schaub
by Bonnie Gray
by Sally Clarkson
by Messie Condo
by Emily A. Francis
by Courtney Ellis
by Debra Fileta
by Robert J. Meyers and Brenda L. Wolfe
by Hamilton B.
by Leah Boden
by Kristen Balouch
by Pedram Navab
by Jeff Lowenfels
by Sarah Edghill
by Alex Bescoby
by Dr. Peter Silverstone
by Timothée de Fombelle
by Eileen Garvin
by Tracy Goodwin
by Raúl The Third
by Nicole Deese
by Sam George-Allen
by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai
by Carolyn Brown
by Leigh Greenwood
by Sasha Summers
by Tiffany Quay Tyson
by Samara Cole Doyon
by Aya Khalil
by Ismée Williams
by Donna VanLiere
by Molly O'Keefe
by Amanda Cabot
by Melody Carlson
by Maddie Dawson
by Rachel Tomlinson
by Rachel Fordham
by Gillian McDunn
by Ann Gordon and Joseph O. Baker
by Marie Harte
by Isabel Quintero
by Blue Saffire
by Anna J. McIntyre
by Matthew A. Cherry
by Jane Yolen and Heidi E. Y. Stemple
by Russel Maddicks
by Tonya Bolden
by Paula Austin
by Anna Mae Duane
by Lisa Jewell
by Jeffrey Geri and Marian Lebor
by Anthony McGowan
by Amy Andrews
by Coral Celeste Frazer
by Laura Purdie Salas
by Shellie Rushing Tomlinson
by Susan Anne Mason
by The Staff Of The Undefeated
by Naima Simone
by Susan Meier
by Gleb Raygorodetsky
by S. Doyle
by Julie Kriss
by Kathleen Fuller
by Lori Handeland
by Teri Emory
by Terry Roberts, PhD
by Cindi Madsen
by Jennifer Bonds
by Christina Phillips
by Sally M. Walker
by Robyn Neeley
by Robin Bielman
by Tami Charles
by Bernice Yeung
by Rosalind Brackenbury
by Barbara Delinsky
by Byron L. Dorgan
by Tessa Bailey
by Gina L. Maxwell
by Nadine Jolie Courtney
by Victoria James
by Stefanie London
by Adam Wallace
by Annie Lampman
by Stefany Anne Golberg
by Natalie Wrye
by Ben Jeapes
by Kim Hooper
by Staci Hart
by Janet Edwards
by Kate Chopin
by Marta Perry
by Jean-Phillippe Blondel
by Shirlee McCoy
by Edward T. Welch
by Johanna Stoberock
by Iris Morland
by Kim Ventrella
by Barbara Cantini
by Janice Lynn Mather
by Draga Jenny Malesevic
by Helen Cullen
by Amelia Diane Coombs
by Alexis Hall
by Ivy Smoak
by Cara Sue Achterberg
by Vicky Zimmerman
by Annabeth Albert
by Flavia Z. Drago
by Kenzie Reed
by Tiffany Killoren
by Kristy Dallas Alley and Brittni Pope
by J. L. Berg
by Lexie Bean
by Denise Hunter
by Natasha Madison
by Avery Flynn
by Brandy Colbert
by Cindy L. Otis
by Brooke Blaine
by Larry Watson
by Sarah Graves
by Kennedy Fox
by Maribeth Boelts
by Zoe Whittall
by Emma Mills
by Emma Miller
by Chelsea Hanson
by Amanda Laird
by Marilou Reeder
by Jeremy Camp and Adrienne Camp
by Steve Greig and Mary Rand Hess
by Sydney Smith
by Amanda Dykes
by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka
by Erin Cline
by Kim Jocelyn Dickson
by Lisa Harris
by Jim Sichko
by Jay Payleitner